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学历 E-mail yaping.wang@snnu.edu.cn
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王亚平男,博士,陕西师范大学44118太阳成城集团教授博士生导师1977年恢复高考后考入陕西师范大学地理系1982毕业后留校任教1985年赴英国留学,1991年获英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)城市规划博士学位毕业后先后任教于英国爱丁堡艺术学院和赫瑞瓦特大学。2013年应聘为英国格拉斯哥大学城市研究系国际未来城市研究讲座教授2013~2015年担任城市研究系系主任。2017年获得由英国研究与创新部(UKRI)国际研究挑战基金(GCRF)资助的大型国际多学科城市研究项目“可持续,健康,学习型城市与社区”,任首席科学家和联合研究中心(SHLC)主任。担任Housing StudiesInternational Journal of Housing PolicyAsian Geographer等多个国际学术期刊的编委和客座编辑。2015年当选英国社会科学院院士FAcSS2022 年当选英国爱丁堡皇家学会院士FRSE)。


主要从事城市发展与规划住房制度改革与影响房地产业发展、城市低收入群体与贫困、城市社区和邻里单位的形成与变化、流动人口生活环境,城市化、城市发展过程及问题的国际比较领域的研究。先后主持或参与英国政府与国家自然科学基金委社会科学院联合资助项目英国研究与创新部(UKRI对外援助部 ODA经济与社会研究基金委 ESRC)等资助的科研项目30余项发表学术论文100 出版著作5部。

1近期主持领导了英国政府国际挑战研究基金GCRF资助的重大国际多学科研究项目 可持续健康与学习型城市与社区。对亚洲和非洲发展中国家城市及社区的可持续性发展做了系统全面研究。通过对分布在7个国家的14个案例城市及社区的深入调研,对不同国家城市不同社区的人居环境人口家庭结构, 经济活动,社会服务配置,社区管理状况做了深入对比分析。对不同层次城市社区所面临的可持续发展问题做了系统研判。研究团队来自八个国家的九个高校和科研机构的100研究人员组成已出版系列研究报告和论文专刊并与联合国人居环境署联合举办了多次特别研讨会,为国际城市可持续发展及实现联合国2030 可持续发展目标SDGs提供案例支撑,也为相关城市的未来发展、规划建设、社会服务与社区管理等提供科学依据。


3深入分析了中国20世纪90 年代的城市住房改革与东欧国家的改革及英国公共住房私有化政策,预见性的指出了城市住房改革在我国可能产生的短期及长远影响,如贫富分化低收入人口将面临新的住房困难城市新增人口的住房负担以及住房与工作单位分离引起的新的城市社会组织及管理等问题。提出了重新构建城市社会性住房供应体系的建议,为社会保障房住房公积金等政策的制定提供了科学依据。在此基础上,与南开大学相关学术团队合作,对以城市房地产市场开发形成的住宅小区进行了系统分类研究重点调研并分析了我国天津成都杭州重庆和大同等城市社区的居住环境差异人口结构, 公共服务均等化,以及城市社区空间结构的变化等情况揭示了城市社区分类与管理问题为我国城市转型社区建设与管理实践做出了积极贡献。



· Wang, Y. P., Kintrea, K., Everatt, D. and Kundu, D (eds.) (2024) New Drivers of Division: Urbanisation and Spatial Inequality in Africa and Asia. Springer. (forthcoming).

· Pryce G., Wang Y. P., Chen Y., Shan J. and Wei H. (eds.) (2021) Urban Inequality, Segregation & Integration in Europe & China. Springer. Open Access

· Jenkins, P., Smith, H. & Wang, Y. P. (2007) Planning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World. London and New York: Routledge.

· Wang, Y. P. (2004) Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. London and New York, Routledge.

· Wang, Y. P. & Murie A. (1999) Housing Policy and Practice in China. Macmillan (UK) and St Martin's Press (US).


· Munir, F., Ahmad, S., Ullah, S. and Wang, Y. P. (2021) Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: An intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education. Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City. (DOI: 10.1080/26884674.2021.1986442).

· Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2021) Urban expansion and land use changes in Asia and Africa. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 12(1_supp), S13-S17.

· Wang, Y. P. (2021) Urban villages, their Redevelopment and Implications for inequality and integration. In Pryce G. Wang Y.P. Chen Y. Shan J. and Wei H. (eds.) Urban Inequality, Segregation & Integration in Europe & China. Springer. (Chapter 6).

· Wang, W., Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2020) The (re)making of polycentricity in Chinas planning discourse: the case of Tianjin. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(5), pp. 857-875.

· Wang, Y. P. and Kintrea, K. (2019) Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (special issue based on SHLC works, editorial Prologue). Environment and Urbanisation ASIA, 10.2. 146-150.

· Wang, Y. P. (2019) Migration and urban housing market dynamics in China, in B. Renaud, R. Chiu and L. Zhi Liu (eds) The Great Housing Divide, Routledge (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy).

· Guo, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, Y. P. and Li, X. (2017) (De-)activating the growth machine for redevelopment: the case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou. Urban Studies.

· Sowgat, T., Wang, Y. P. & McWilliams, C. (2017) Pro-poorness of planning policies in Bangladesh: the case of Khulna city, International Planning Studies, 22: 2, 145-160.

· Wang, Y., Shao, L., and Wang, Y.P. (2015) Pre-reform Socialist Welfare Housing Estates in China: Physical Conditions and Social Profiles, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Volume 14.3, 609-616.

· Chen, J., Yang Z., and Wang Y. P. (2014) The New Chinese Model of Public Housing: A Step Forward or Backward? Housing Studies, 29.4, 534-550.

· Wang, Y. P., Du, H. and Li, S. M. (2014) Migration and the dynamics of inform housing in China, in Huang, Y. and Li, S.M. (eds) Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities, London: Routledge. Chapter 5, 86-102.

· Wang, Y. P. and Shao, L. (2014) Urban Housing Policy Changes and Challenges in China. In Doling, J. and Ronald, R. (eds) Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 2, 44-70.

· Wang, Y. P. (2012) Housing the urban poor in a marketised system in China, Urban Policy and Research. Vol. 30, No. 4, 423-441.

· Wang, Y. P., Shao, L., Murie, A. and Cheng, J. H. (2012) The Maturation of the Neoliberal Housing Market in Urban China, Housing Studies, 27.3, 343-359 (April).

· Wang, Y.P. and Murie, A. (2011) The New Affordable and Social Housing Provision System in China: Implications for Comparative Housing Studies, International Journal of Housing Policy, 11. 3, 237-245 (September).

· Wang Y. P., Wang Y. L. & Wu, J. (2010) “Housing Migrant Workers in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions: A Study of the Chinese Model in Shenzhen”. Housing Studies. 25.1: 83-100.

· Wang Y. P., Wang Y. L. & Wu, J. (2009) “Urbanisation and informal development in China: urban villages in Shenzhen”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 33.4: 957-973.

· Wang Y. P. (2005) “Low-Income Communities and Urban Poverty in China”. Urban Geography. 26 (3), 222-242.

· Wang Y. P., Wang Y. L. & Bramley, G. (2005) “Chinese Housing Reform in State Owned Enterprises and its Impacts on Different Social Groups”. Urban Studies, 42 (10). 1859-1878.

·  Wang Y. P (2001) “Urban Housing Reform and Finance in China: A case study of Beijing”. Urban Affairs Review, 36 (5) May, 620-645.

·  Wang Y. P (2000) “Planning and Development in Chinese Historic Cities: The Case of Xian”. Town Planning Review, 71 (3), 329-350.

· Wang Y. P. (2000) “Housing Reform and Its Impacts on the Urban Poor”. Housing Studies, 15 (6), 845-864.

· Wang Y. P. & Murie A. (2000) “Social and Spatial Implications of Housing Reform in China”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (2), 397-417.